myosesh Musculoskeletal post Lower legs muscles (superficial posterior compartment)

Lower legs muscles (superficial posterior compartment)

This compartment consists of 2 muscles

Peroneus longus

Origin: head of fibula, upper half of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia and interosseous

Insertion: base of 1 metatarsal and medial cuneiforms

Action: plantar flexion and eversion of the foot

Innervation: superficial fibular (peroneus)nerve L4-S1

*this muscle originates lateral side and inserts into medial side

* When this muscle gets tight, it causes the flat feet and the less foot arch

Peroneus brevis

Origin: Lateral distal 2/3 of the fibula and intermuscular septum

Insertion: Fifth metatarsal

Action: Plantar flexion and eversion of the foot

Innervation: superficial fibular (peroneus)nerve L4-S1

Superficial fibular nerve

*Innervates the short head of the biceps femoris

*Due to the location, sensory is on the anterior and lateral skin

* If damaged or these two muscles compress this nerve, this nerve can cause some numbness in the lateral side of the lower leg

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