What is Metabolic Syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome itself is not disease but complex conditions that cause type2 diabetes mellitus as well as increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
· Physically inactive
· Smoking
· Alcohol
It turns out that different countries have slight different measures to see if the person is metabolic syndrome or not.
1.Central (abdominal)obesity-Excess fat in and around stomach
Australia-94cm or more in men, or 80cm or more in women
Men from asian countries such as Japan, India, Malaysia and Iran, South and Central American-90cm or more
Australia->140mg systolic, or >90mg diastolic
Japan->130mg systolic, or >85mg diastolic
3. Cholesterol and triglycerides
HDL-chlesterol level is 40mg/dl or and Triglycerides is 150mg/dl
4. Impaired glucose tolerance or fasting blood glucose
Over 110mg/dl or being on medication of this condition
In Japan, people who have 1 with more than two conditions out of three which are 2-4 will be diagnosed as a metabolic syndrome.
· Make dietary changes: reducing the foods that contain a lot of Sodium, fat and sugar.
· Increase your physical activity: start off with small things such as use stairs instead of the lift or escalator. Riding a bicycle to get to work instead of driving. Waling and going to the gym if you can.
· Manage the weight: Both modifying what you eat and exercise are crucial to loose your weight.
· Stop smoking
· Medication if required
Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions that often occur together and increase the risk of diabetes as well as heart attack and stroke. Managing your weight usually helps to improve the conditions.